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Tag: online security

British Airways data breach claims
July 08, 2021

British Airways data breach claim settlement – you still have time to claim!

July 2021: it has been widely reported that British Airways has settled claims for victims of their 2018 data breaches. The airline will likely see the British Airways data breach claim settlement as an opportunity to draw a line under the legal action against them, but the claim process is, in fact, far from over – so don’t worry! Only one subset of the 420,000 victims of the data breach have settled claims, so those who have yet to claim still have a chance to claim with us.

Due to an agreement of confidentiality between the parties involved, the compensation amounts for the British Airways data breach claim settlement have not been disclosed. Our group of claimants still have a chance to potentially receive thousands of pounds in damages as a fair settlement of their claims.

Since the British Airways data breaches occurred in 2018, we have been seeking justice for those affected. We want to ensure our claimants can receive the maximum possible compensation pay-outs, and we continue to fight hard for the victims of the British Airways data breach that we represent.

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July 07, 2021

Ticketmaster data group action

In June 2018, Ticketmaster revealed that a security incident had affected its website, causing the personal information of customers to be exposed. Discovered on 23rd June, the information was exposed due to the actions of an external hacker, but questions were raised regarding how far the incident had been caused by Ticketmaster’s own alleged negligence. We began taking on claims soon after the breach was announced, and we are now running our Ticketmaster data group action to ensure that those affected can receive the compensation that they deserve.

The breach has potentially demonstrated how insufficient cybersecurity could be responsible for mass information exposure. Thousands of customers had sensitive payment details exposed as a result of what we understand to be a system vulnerability, so we believe that Ticketmaster must answer for what has happened.

If you have been affected by this data breach, you can contact our team to find out if you have a compensation claim to make.

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online company fined
June 30, 2021

Amazon data breach concerns

Although no formal incident has occurred, statements made by ex-employees have given rise to Amazon data breach concerns. Describing the attitudes to personal data, one of the former employees, who previously held high-profile positions, reportedly noted that Amazon is unaware if it is protecting information correctly. The coverage suggested that Amazon does not have a handle on the huge quantities of data it has aggregated, which is a worrying thought given the company’s status as one of the largest businesses in the world.

The insider perspectives provide no confirmation of breaches of data protection law, but it is nevertheless worrying to think that the concerns of security experts were reportedly dismissed during time spent at Amazon. As a leading international e-commerce company, million of users visit Amazon sites all the time.

Holding millions of customers’ information, the data protection responsibilities of Amazon are monumental. As such, if a breach were to occur, the effects could be devastating. As leading specialists in data breach claims, we want to see that all companies are taking their duties seriously, as we know how serious the repercussions can be for victims who have their information exposed.

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phone app messaging call
June 29, 2021

Hacked Npower accounts

In late February, it was revealed that some customers of energy company Npower had suffered hacks of their accounts via the customer app that affected its users’ private data. The company has not put a number on the victims affected, but it is believed that the attack took place in early February, after which those affected were notified of their involvement. It is currently understood that Npower is not to blame for the hack, with no evidence that the company has breached data protection law. We will outline how the hacks happened in this article. Nevertheless, those with hacked Npower accounts are at immediate risk of fraud, with criminals targeting accounts to try to break into them as opposed to successfully breaking into Npower’s own servers and systems.

As advocates of data security, we believe it is important to highlight the risks Npower app users have been exposed to, even where the company is found to not be at fault for what has happened. Even if you have not been affected by the cyberattack, it still offers a valuable lesson about the risks of data exposure and the actions we can take as individuals to protect our personal data, and how criminals can target accounts to break into them.

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tesco travel money data breach
June 28, 2021

Impact of Covid on data protection

Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the risks to cybersecurity have been widely perceived as greater. Cybercriminals have been taking advantage of poor data protection methods whilst also enhancing their methods of attack. We cannot yet fully assess the impact of Covid on data protection right now, but we can examine the evolving threat levels and look at how consumer attitudes to data have changed over the course of the pandemic.

Awareness of data security has always varied from person to person. Your Lawyers – The Data Leak Lawyers – as leading specialists in data breach law, we believe that each person should know about their right to good data protection. In the event of a data breach, this knowledge can be essential in ensuring companies are held to account for their errors. We support thousands of people in their fight to recover compensation following data breaches, and we want to make sure the data protection errors made during the coronavirus pandemic do not go unnoticed.

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how much the average compensation
June 25, 2021

Data protection breaches and compensation claims

Despite the introduction of the GDPR in 2018, many data controllers still neglect their duties, and personal data continues to be exposed. It is important to hold companies accountable for data protection breaches and compensation claims can help to ensure that the responsible parties suffer repercussions for their actions.

Moreover, victims of data protection breaches deserve to be fairly compensated for any harm they have suffered, as it can be incredibly worrying and stressful to have your data exposed to potential misuse. Your Lawyers – The Data Leak Lawyers – as leading, specialists in data breach claims, use our expertise to ensure our clients can receive the most compensation possible.

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council data protection breach claim government data leaks
June 18, 2021

Local government cyberattacks

The cyber threats to local governments has been present for a number of years, but the current coronavirus crisis has also presented a new opportunity for cybercriminals. As the external threat posed by hackers shows no sign of abetting, it is up to the councils themselves to take action to prevent local government cyberattacks.

With a number of extremely costly data breaches hitting local councils in 2020, local government organisations have been alerted to the risk posed by deficient cybersecurity. Unfortunately, the victims of council data breaches were already all too aware of the consequences of data exposure. We have supported victims in relation to council data breaches many times, and we believe that there is still much to be done to improve local government cybersecurity.

If you have been affected by a data breach of any kind, you may be able to claim compensation for the harm caused. Contact us today to receive free, no-obligation advice on your potential claim.

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easyJet data breach
June 16, 2021

easyJet Cyberattack Compensation Claims

In May last year, the news of the EasyJet cyberattack hit the headlines when the airline publicly admitted that the data of nine million customers had been hacked. Although the attack was first identified as early as January, some customers did not hear about their involvement in the breach until May.

Now, just over a year since the news of the incident broke, we continue to take on claims for those affected by the cyberattack. If easyJet is found to responsible for the exposure of their customers’ data, the company could be liable to pay out thousands of pounds in compensation to the victims.

As a leading firm of data breach and consumer actions lawyers, Your Lawyers- The Data Leak Lawyers – is leading a number of high-profile group actions against large companies, including travel companies like Marriott and British Airways. We have been representing clients for privacy matters since 2014, so we have the expertise needed to bring your data breach claim to fruition. Anyone affected by the easyJet cyberattack can contact us today to start their claim.

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executive charged
June 14, 2021

118 118 Money data breach claims

In May last year, we began to be contacted by victims in relation to the 118 118 Money data breach. Affected customers received a data breach notification letter telling them that their data had been subjected to unauthorised access. We judged that victims may have a case for a data breach compensation claim, and we are still taking claims on if you wish to seek justice for the exposure of your private data.

As leading, specialist data breach compensation lawyers, we believe that everyone should be able to access justice in relation to privacy matters. By giving a voice to data breach victims, we hope to bring them the compensation they deserve, and we are also determined to make companies face up to their data protection responsibilities.

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cloud technology data breaches
June 11, 2021

Cloud data leaks and compensation advice

In the digital era, private information is stored not only in filing cabinets and on computer hard drives, but also on cloud storage systems. Cloud computing is a key component of many businesses’ digital operations, meaning that many of the companies to which you have disclosed your personal information may choose to store it in a cloud database. When correctly operated, cloud storage systems can be nice and secure but, if not, cloud data leaks can occur, and your data may be at risk of becoming accessible online to unauthorised third parties.

Businesses must take care to implement appropriate security provisions when storing private data in the cloud. Unfortunately, many fail in their data protection responsibilities, leaving your information vulnerable to misuse.

If you have fallen victim to a data breach, you may be able to claim compensation for any harm caused to you. We strongly believe that your data security should never be compromised by a third party, which is why we help victims of data breaches to achieve the justice that they deserve.

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We offer genuine No Win, No Fee agreements for our clients. Why we do this is simple:

Leading Data Breach Lawyers
Our experience speaks for itself.
We will fight for your right to compensation.
Access to Justice
As a victim of a data breach or hack, you deserve your chance to get access to justice.
Risks Assessment
We carefully risk assess your case and take it on if we think we have a good chance of winning the claim.

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