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Tag: online security

August 09, 2017

WWE’s unprotected database – affecting over three million fans

Anger amongst WWE wrestling fans is thought to be rife after revelations that up to three million fans’ account information has been left unprotected and accessible on the Amazon cloud.

It’s thought that WWE is watched by 15 million fans each week in the U.S. alone. In 2016, they announced plans to expand to China, opening a potential fan base of 1.4 billion. It’s scary to think that an organisation as big as this and with so many fans could leave data belonging to three million people totally unsecured.

It’s one heck of a monumental data breach…
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third party security risks
August 08, 2017

Google employees fall victim to data breach

A number of employees at Google have been warned that some of their personal information may have been compromised because of a third party data breach.

Sabre Hospitality Solutions is a platform allowing users to plan trips and book hotels through their site. Sabre developed the SynXis Central Reservation System to allow guests, hotels and travel agencies from all over the world to book travel and accommodation through the unified service.

Google uses Calson Wagonlit Travel as the middle-man to arrange work-related trips for its employees. Unfortunately, Sabre’s database was hacked, meaning personal information belonging to Google’s recently travelled employees may have been compromised.
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gov website breached
July 27, 2017

Government digital service department leaks personal information

Many people may have a false sense of security that the Government are able to protect us and our data. Over the years, this belief has decreased massively given there are growing trends of data breaches, with hacks and leaks scarily becoming the norm.

This is exemplified in the Government’s digital service website – www.data.gov.uk – who recently fell victim to a security breach. A spokeswoman said that a database containing usernames and email addresses was discovered on a system which was accessible to the public. This was only discovered during a routine security review.

So, if the government can’t protect themselves, how can we expect them to protect us?!
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mobile devices
July 12, 2017

Work-assigned mobile devices are increasing cyber security risks for organisations

Laptops, phones and tablets are more and more common inside the workplace and out, allowing employees to present information easily, or work outside of the workplace. Company directors are also aware that it’s very common for employees to use such devices for other things like watching videos, reading news, entertainment purposes and accessing social media.

Whether these devices are used for professional or personal use, one thing remains the same: “an enterprise’s security is only as strong as its weakest link”.

These devices can often be the weakest link…
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us vehicle owners leaked info
July 11, 2017

Unprotected database containing 10 million U.S. vehicle owners’ personal details leaked

Approximately 10 million U.S. vehicle owners’ personal data was left exposed after a massive database containing their information was leaked.

Security researchers from Kromtech Security found the unprotected database split into three main sections which is thought to contain ‘critical and sensitive information’. The first section includes names, addresses, home and work numbers, dates of birth, gender and the number of children over 12 years old.

This information is thought to have been extracted from numerous U.S. based car dealerships.
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online company fined
June 22, 2017

Online construction retailer fined for putting hundreds of its customer’s bank details at risk

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has concluded investigations into the online building products supplier, Construction Materials Online Limited (CMO), for breaching data protection principles.

The investigation first began when the online company was hacked back in May 2014.

Cyber criminals managed to identify a security vulnerability and performed an SQL injection into the company’s customer database. This method is commonly used for both destroying databases and stealing information, and in this case, it was to steal bank details from hundreds of customers.
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data breach compensation for card skimming
June 15, 2017

Survey finds that if you make over around £60,000 annually or graduate from University, you’re more likely to become a target of credit/debit card fraud.

Cyber-criminals are targeting more “affluent” individuals to obtain more money, studies have found.

Like a burglar deciding between a modest house and a luxurious one, they’re apparently choosing the ones that are likely to have more valuables. With the continual rise of malware, criminals are becoming more and more sophisticated and are taking on higher security risks for higher stakes.
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cyber-insurance to triple in size
June 09, 2017

Cyber insurance surges in demand amidst growing concerns over cyber security

As cyber-crime continues grow, companies are recognising the need for cybercrime insurance.

The industry is reported to be worth around a staggering £7.7 billion. The demand is ever increasing as companies and authorities are finally starting to see the true impact cyber-crime can have. Entities of all shapes and sizes are being targeted by intelligent cyber criminals who have the programming skills to bring security systems down and access any number of data once thought safe.
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rise of machine learning for online security
June 06, 2017

The rise of machine learning and how it can impact cyber-security

Throughout the past two years, we have seen breach after breach. From the Yahoo breaches to the international cyber-hack involving the NHS in May 2017, they never seem to stop!

So what can be done about it? This year, we expect to see the rise of machine learning to identify attacks quickly. Unlike the ransomware that crippled our NHS along with other organisations in 98 countries across the globe on the 12th May 2017, not all data breaches flash on your screen with a frightening message demanding payment next to an intimidating timer. Many data breaches occur without companies being ever aware of it. Like the Yahoo data breaches, it took them years to realise their security systems had been compromised.
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third party security risks
June 02, 2017

Third Party companies may be your biggest security risk

A large number of security risks are caused by third party vendors.

As we saw with the recent Debenhams Flowers cyber-attack, using a third party company or service provider can leave your network vulnerable to security breaches. Whilst your company could have top of the line security measures put in place, the company that handles your packaging and shipping, or the company who processes customer purchases, may have weak to non-existent security measures.

This is a clear risk.
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